Social responsibility

We cooperate with the Fair Wear Foundation (, an independent non-profit organisation based in Amsterdam, which aims to improve working conditions in the textile industry worldwide.
We’ve been a member of the foundation since 2011 and have committed ourselves to meeting the requirements of the FWF in full and in a fully transparent manner that can be monitored at all times. This collaboration highlights our sense of responsibility towards our production facilities and, above all, their employees. We also consistently and unequivocally stand up for fair working conditions to be able to guarantee our customers that all our products are manufactured in accordance with humanitarian standards and without exploiting children or minorities.
Current brand performance check from GONSO | Maier Sports GmbH.
More information: Fair Wear Foundation

You can find more information at the Brand Performance Check.
AKTIONfahrRAD is an initiative that, together with partners, develops ACTIONS to get young people on their bikes in a sustainable way, it promotes the next generation, provides schools with bikes, is involved in school and university projects and supports the training and further education of teachers nationwide so that cycling becomes more attractive and safer. Getting around by bike is ideal. It is beneficial for health and the environment, it is efficient and simply fun!